Portland will require all landlords to register their apartments by late 2020 – Oregonlive
The Portland City Council unanimously enacted new rules this week to require landlords to register the addresses of all rental units in the city each year.
The idea, city officials said, is to create an accurate citywide census of apartments and homes for rent and also make it easy to send communications to all renters and landlords. Landlords will submit the addresses along with their yearly city business tax filings.
That will require an estimated 10,000 or more landlords who haven’t been required to file business taxes, because they gross less than $50,000 a year from their rentals, to begin filing.
The rules requiring landlords to submit the addresses of all their units kicks in for tax year 2018, meaning the vast majority of owners would need to send theirs in by April 15, 2019. But they can automatically get a six-month extension, officials said.
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